Want Capital Now can get your church the funding it needs.
Want Capital Now can get your church approved automatically for a loan to purchase the equipment you need with low rates and up to 60 months to repay.
We can finance pews, air-conditioning and heating systems, organs, sound and video equipment, pianos, computers, or any other type of equipment your church needs.
Established Church
Established for:
Seven years or more if part of a major denomination
15 years or more if non-denominational
Minimum average bank balance of $7,000 or more of combined accounts (ex: checking + savings)
Listed with directory assistance
Newer Church
Established for two to five years or more
Minimum average bank balance of $2,500 or more of combined accounts (ex: checking + savings)
Listed with directory assistance
Start-Up Church
Established for two years or more
Minimum average bank balance of $2,500 or more of combined accounts (ex: checking + savings)
Listed with directory assistance