Term Loans
Want Capital Now can get your business the funding it needs.
Want Capital Now offers traditional working capital loans with great rates and up to four years to repay. Our partners are leading online lenders that work closely with us to provide the best credit financing solutions for you. We can secure conventional fixed-rate loans in amounts of $20,000 and above.
FAST TRACK Loan Program
We have access to a FAST TRACK loan program where we can provide a loan of between $20,000 and $100,000 based on an application and the last four months of bank statements. With this loan program, we can have approval in 24 to 48 hours and fund shortly thereafter.
The application for the FAST TRACK loan program takes less than ten minutes, and funding can be available in as little as three days. This is a great program for clients in a wide variety of industries, including:
Agriculture/ Farming
Convenience Stores
Distilleries/ Breweries
Dry Cleaners
Gas Stations
Liquor Stores
Pet Care
Restaurants/ Bars
Other Services